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Solving SQL Queries Using Schema Diagram And Tables

Writer: Codersarts AI Codersarts AI


This question is set in the context of a small database that stores information about patients, medications, and prescriptions. A partial schema is shown in the figure below:

The tables are populated with the following data:

Query 1:

SELECT PatientLastName, COUNT(*) AS Num FROM Patient pat INNER JOIN Prescription pre ON pat.PatientID = pre.PatientID GROUP BY pat.PatientLastName ORDER BY pat.PatientLastName ASC;

Query 2:

SELECT PatientLastName, COUNT(*) AS Num FROM Patient pat LEFT OUTER JOIN Prescription pre ON pat.PatientID = pre.PatientID GROUP BY pat.PatientLastName ORDER BY pat.PatientLastName ASC;

Query 3:

SELECT PatientLastName, COUNT(pre.MedicationID) AS Num FROM Patient pat LEFT OUTER JOIN Prescription pre ON pat.PatientID = pre.PatientID GROUP BY pat.PatientLastName ORDER BY pat.PatientLastName ASC;

Query 4:

SELECT HourOfDay, COUNT(*) AS NumRegimes FROM AdminTime GROUP BY HourOfDay HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;

Query 5:

SELECT AVG(x.NumRegimes) AS AvgOfNumRegimes FROM (SELECT HourOfDay, COUNT(*) AS NumRegimes FROM AdminTime GROUP BY HourOfDay HAVING COUNT(*) <2 ) AS x;

Query 6:

SELECT COUNT(PatientLastName) AS NumPatientNames FROM Prescription pre INNER JOIN Patient pat ON pre.PatientID = pat.PatientID;

Query 7:

SELECT PatientLastName FROM Patient pat WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Prescription pre WHERE pre.PatientID = pat.PatientID);

Query 8:

SELECT PatientLastName, PrescriptionID FROM Patient pat LEFT OUTER JOIN Prescription pre ON pat.PatientID = pre.PatientID WHERE PrescriptionID IS NULL;

Question 2:

Draw an ERD for the following situation

  • A laboratory collects specimens that may later be analysed. For each specimen collected, the database should record a unique SpecNo. It should also specify SpecArea, and SpecCollMethod

  • A specimen is analysed when a test order is issued. A specimen may not have a test order until after a considerable delay

  • A test order contains a unique test order number (TONo), TOTestName, TOTestType and TOTestResult

  • A test order is created for exactly one specimen

  • The database should keep track of supplies needed for test orders

  • A test order can use a collection of supplies (0 or more) and a supply can be used on a collection of test orders (0 or more). The Supply entity type contains a unique SuppNo, SuppName, SuppLotNo, and SuppNoInStock


  • M:N relationships should be modelled with associative entities

  • Choose appropriate names for all relationships and entity types based on your common knowledge of test orders and supplies

  • Use doubled line relationships and rectangles to represent weak entities. Underline identifiers that are likely to become primary keys


The following ERD represents a data model for tracking the allocation of laboratory equipment to chemists working on projects.

Convert the ERD into a set of relational schemas. Indicate the functional dependencies, and the PK-FK relationships with arrows. Convert all relations into 3NF. Use this sort of format to represent relations.

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