Balancing a Binary Search Tree
Write three rotation functions that help in transforming an unbalanced Binary Tree to
a Balanced Binary Tree.
Node* rotateLeft(Node *node);
Node* rotateRight(Node *node);
Node* rotateLeftRight(Node *node);
These functions will take a node at which point you should perform the respective rotations for the unbalanced tree and return the new root.
The left right rotation should be performed as a left rotation on node's left child, then a right rotation on node.
We have defined the following C++ Node class for you. The name serves as the value.
class Node
std::string name;
Node* left = NULL;
Node* right = NULL;
Test Cases
The first line of input in test cases is the number of nodes in the tree.
The second line is the nodes of a tree which are inserted into a binary search tree in that order.
You don't need to implement insert. You have access to the root of the constructed
Binary Search Tree.
We will create the tree for you, then call rotateLeftRight on the root of the tree. This is followed by a call to pre, in, and post-order traversal.
The output is an pre, in, post-order traversal of the tree after the rotation separated by spaces.
Author: Cheryl Resch, Hamish Pierpont, Ori Leibovici and Amanpreet Kapoor, Date Created: May 2018, Last Modified: 26 Sep 2020
Sample Input:
2 0 1
Sample Output:
102 012 021
Write a program, test using stdin → stdout
class Node
int name;
Node* left = NULL;
Node* right = NULL;
Node* insert(Node* root, int key)
Node* temp=new Node();
return temp;
if (key < root->name)
root->left = insert(root->left, key);
else if (key > root->name)
root->right = insert(root->right, key);
return root;
std::string traverse(Node* head)
std::string string1, string2, string3;
if (head == NULL)
return "";
string1 = traverse(head->left);
string2 = std::to_string(head->name);
string3 = traverse(head->right);
return string1+string2+string3;
Node* rotateLeft(Node *node)
//your code here
Node* rotateRight(Node *node)
//your code here
Node* rotateLeftRight(Node *node)
//your code here
int main()
Node* root=NULL;
int x;
int num;
std::cin >> num;
for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
std::cout << traverse(root);
Problem Statement
AVL Tree is a Binary Search Tree that allows Balance Factor of each node to be in the range -1 to 1 (n>=0). Implement a function that takes as input a root node of a Binary Search Tree. This function checks if the BST is an AVL Tree or not.
We have defined the following C++ Node class for you:
class Node
int name;
Node* left = NULL;
Node* right = NULL;
Function to code
bool isAVL(Node* root);
Inserted Numbers in a BST: - 5 2 15 16 9 11 14 ;
Tree:- 5
/ \
2 15
/ \
9 16
Balance Factor of tree = left subtree height – right subtree height = -3
Therefore, this BST is not an AVL Tree.
Test Cases
The input in test cases are nodes of a tree which are inserted in that order. You don't need to implement insert. You have access to the root of the constructed Binary Search Tree. Return true if the BST is a valid AVL Tree and False if not.
Hint: Use a Height function to calculate height of a tree at given node.
Author: Amanpreet Kapoor, Date Created: May 2018, Last Modified: 31 May 2020
Sample Input 1:
5 2 15 16 9 11 14
Sample Output 1:
Sample Input 2:
1 2 3
Sample Output 2:
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