Deep learning allows machines to solve complex problems even when using a data set that is very diverse, unstructured and inter-connected. The more deep learning algorithms learn, the better they perform.
Deep learning is also known as deep structured learning or hierarchical is a machine learning methods based on artificial neural networks. Learning can be supervised, semi-supervised or unsupervised.

List of topics in deep learning we offer
Deep Neural Networks
Backpropagation & Mathematics Behind It
CNNs, RNNs, LSTMs, GANs and the Maths Behind Them
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Deep Learning with (Keras, Tensor Flow, Pytorch)
Building and Deploying Deep Learning Apps
Using Kears, TensorFlow and Pytorch.
Building a CNN using TensorFlow
Deep Learning using Pytorch : Deep Learning Framework
Transfer Learning : Research Work
AutoML and Deep Learning Optimization
DL Hands On and Best Practices