Affirvat Hostels provides affordable accommodation to students pursuing coaching for various competitive examinations in metropolitan cities. It requires a software application that can be used by its staff to manage various operations. Some of the main operations are as follows:
Book a room
Vacate a room
Display available rooms
Search room details
Display summary information about rooms
You are required to develop an application using Java that will allow the hostel staff to interactively perform various tasks as stated above.
Assignment Requirements:
You are required to write the following three classes:
Room: A class, defines a simple object type representing a room.
Hostel: A class, defines objects which are containers of Room objects.
HostelMain: A driver class that creates one Hostel object and allows the various methods of Hostel to be called. This class will provide an interactive application interface using the keyboard and the screen to the hostel staff. This is only providing an interface and will not do calculations itself but will immediately pass user inputs as arguments to methods of Hostel class.
NOTE: The final application will only execute correctly when all three classes have been defined completely and correctly but don't wait until you have completely written all three before you start compiling and testing your code. It is recommended that you save all three source code files in the same directory on your file system and compile and test each class as you develop it using small separate programs to create and test objects of each class.
The files
The files you will require are:
This file defines a class of Room objects. The objects have the following instance variables:
number of beds in the room, of type integer;
guest’s name, of type String;
booking status of a room – if the room has been booked, the status is 'true', otherwise it is 'false';
room tariff, i.e. cost of using the room for one night, of type double;
The methods of class Room should include:
A default constructor. This constructor should initialize a Room object with the number of beds as two, the guest's name as "Nobody", the booking status as false, and the room cost to 100.00. This is the default state of a Room object.
A Setter method that accepts one argument which is used to set the number of beds. It must ensure that the number of beds stored in the Room object remains in the range 1-4 inclusive.
A Setter method for the room tariff. This method accepts one argument representing a new tariff value. It must ensure the tariff is not negative.
A method called bookRoom which accepts a String argument representing a guest’s name. It sets the booking state to true and assigns the parameter value to the guest's name variable.
A method called vacateRoom which sets the booking state to false and sets the guest's name variable back to "Nobody".
A getter method for each of the class members which are the number of beds, the tariff, and the guest's name - these return the appropriate value.
A boolean method called isBooked which returns the booking status.
A 'toString' method which returns a single String containing the details of a room with
format as described below:
Room with <numOfBeds> beds, tariff <roomTariff>, and guest named
Room with <numOfBeds> beds, tariff <roomTariff>, and is vacant.
Room with 2 beds, tariff 100.00, and a guest named James Bond.
Room with 2 beds, tariff 100.00, and is vacant.
It is recommended that once you have written the Room class, you create a program to test it. The testing program should be placed in the same working directory as the Room class and be used to create one or two Room objects and call some of the Room methods. Compile the Room class and compile and run the test program to check your work.
This file declares a class that maintains a collection of Room objects. It will contain methods that enable the collection to show the appropriate behavior as required by the menu. This file should be saved into the same working directory as Room.java.
The Hostel class should declare an array of Room objects; no additional attribute is allowed.
The Hostel class must also contain methods that allow the collection of rooms to be managed. These methods should include:
A constructor that accepts an integer is used to set the size of the Room array. If the integer value passed in is invalid, then an array of Room objects of size 50 is to be created. If the parametric integer is valid, that is between 20 and 100, inclusive, then a Room array of the specific parametric value will be created. Next, you need to perform some initialization tasks for the rooms as described below. Each task can be defined as a private method, and the constructor will then invoke these methods to complete the task:
The first task is to traverse the array and instantiate a default Room object referenced by each array cell. After each Room has been instantiated, we will assume that the array index will represent the room number in the hostel. For example, room number 2 will be in the array cell with index 2, room numbered 5 will be in the array cell with index 5, etc.
The second task is to traverse the array and set the room tariff of all the even-numbered rooms to $150.00, except room numbered 0, which is set to $1500.00 as it is the penthouse suite.
The third task is to set the number of beds to 1 for the last 5 rooms and set the number of beds to 4 for rooms 1 through 5 inclusive.
A method named getRoom which accepts an integer parameter representing a room number and returns a reference to the Room object in that cell of the array. If the parametric integer is illegal, a null reference should be returned.
A method named numOfBookedRooms which does not accept any parameter, and returns the number of rooms which are booked.
A method named numOfVacantRooms which does not accept any parameter, and returns the number of rooms which are not booked.
A method named totalTariff which does not accept any parameter, and returns the total value of all the tariffs of all the booked rooms. This simulates one day's income for the hostel.
A method named getAvailableRooms which accepts an integer representing a number of guests which need a room. This method should return a String in which there is a list of all the vacant rooms which have enough beds for the prospective guests.
A method named findGuestRoomNumber which accepts a String representing a guest's name and searches through all the rooms looking for the first guest whose name is the same as the parametric name. The method should return the number of the room when a match is found. If the name cannot be found, the method should return -1.
When you have written the Hostel class - test it by creating a Hostel object and invoking the methods from a Java program
The aim of this class is to provide a user-interface for a modest application which uses a Hostel container class and should be saved in the same working directory as the previous files. It is recommended that this user-interface be written as a 'console' application using the normal screen and keyboard to interact with a user via a simple text-based menu.
The user-interface should create a single Hostel object and provide a menu of choices to the user with the following choices:
1 See available rooms for 'n' guests
The operator enters the number of guests needing accommodation. This value should then be passed to the getavailablerooms method of the Hostel object, the returned String captured and displayed. This tells the operator which rooms can be booked.
2 Book a room
The operator enters the name of the guest, then fetches the Room object of an appropriate empty room (using the 'getRoom' method) and books it with the guest's name.
3 Vacate a room
The operator enters the room number of the room to be vacated, the Room object with that number is obtained using 'getRoom' and vacated. If the room is not booked, display an appropriate message.
4 Find which room a guest is in.
The operator enters a guest's name and this is passed to the 'findGuestRoomNumber' method and the room number is displayed. If no such guest is found, display an appropriate message.
5 Print a report
the number of booked rooms
the number of empty rooms
the total tariff of all booked rooms
6 Quit the program.
Each time the user selects one of the previous options, and the program does that task, the menu should be presented again. If they choose to quit, the program should end.
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