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Data Visualization With Python | Sample Assignment.

Writer: Codersarts AI Codersarts AI

Consider the kaggle dataset derived from the IMDB database available at We can interpret this dataset as a network of movie actors, where the actors are connected by the number of movies in which they appear together. A similar network of book characters is depicted in the course materials by an adjacency chart and a force directed graph. However, there are too many actors in the IMDB dataset to depict the entire network in this fashion. Design and implement a visualization that will allow the user to explore the relationships in the network. Apply any data reduction or other techniques you can justify to produce an effective visualization.

There is a file called movies.csv dataset thats what I need to include in my graph which is either an adjacency chart or force-directed graph whichever is more suitable. I need only one of them. I need to connect the actors that appeared together in a movie. However, the dataset is massive so I would need to do data reduction in order to make it visible and professional. Please include description and how you did it. Deadline is on Wednesday. Please let me know how much and when it can be completed.

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