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CS6262 Network Security Assignment 4

Writer: Codersarts AI Codersarts AI

1 Introduction/Assignment Goal

The goal of this project is to introduce students to machine learning techniques and methodologies, that help to differentiate between malicious and legitimate network traffic. In summary, the students are introduced to:

  • Use a machine learning-based approach to create a model that learns normal network traffic.

  • Learn how to blend attack traffic, so that it resembles normal network traffic, and by-pass the learned model.

1 Readings & Resources

This assignment relies on the following readings:

  • ”Anomalous Payload-based Worm Detection and Signature Generation”, Ke Wang, Gabriela Cretu, Salvatore J.Stolfo, RAID2004. Link: pkc/id/related/wang05raid.pdf

  • ”Polymorphic Blending Attacks”, Prahlad Fogla, Monirul Sharif, Roberto Perdisci, Oleg Kolesnikov, Wenke Lee, Usenix Security 2006. Link:

  • True positive (true detections) and False positive (false alarms):

2 Task A

  • Preliminary reading. Please refer to the above readings to learn about how the PAYL model works: a) how to extract byte frequency from the data, b) how to train the model, and c) the definition of the parameters; threshold and smoothing factor.

  • Code and data provided. Please look at the PAYL directory, where we provide the PAYL code and data to train the model.

  • Install the Mahalanobispackages needed. Please read the file SETUP to install packages that are needed for the code to run.

PAYL Code workflow. Here is the workflow of the provided PAYL code: Mahalanobis

  1. Read in the parameters: threshold for the mahalanobis distance and smoothing factor. The parameters need to be provided by the user.

  2. Read in the normal data and separate it into training and testing. 75% of the provided normal data is for training and 25% of the normal data is for testing.

  3. Read in the payloads of the training data.

  4. Sort the payload strings by length and generate a model for each length.

  5. Each model per length is based on [ mean frequency of each ascii, standard deviation of frequencies for each ascii]

  6. Read in the payloads of the test data.

  7. Test the testing data against the trained model: 1. Compute the mahalanobis distance between each test payload and the model (of the same length), and 2. Label the payload: If the Mahalanobis distance is below the threshold, then accept the payload as normal traffic. Otherwise, reject it as attack traffic.

  • Select parameters and set them in the PAYL code.

  • Run the PAYL code. python

  • Observe the output of the PAYL code: The code reports the true positive.

$ python

Attack data not provided, training and testing model based on pcap files in data/ folder alone.

To provide attack data, run the code as: python <attack-data-file-name>




Total Number of testing samples: 7616

Percentage of True positives: XX.XX Exiting now

  • Main Task: Perform experiments to select proper parameters. Provide different parameters as input to the code, and observe the True Positive rates. Please select parameters that give you a True Positive rate of 99% or above. Please note that it is entirely up to the student, to write her/his own wrappers around the code provided, as needed. e.g.a script to evaluate multiple parameters in parallel. Also please note that you may find multiple pairs of parameters that can achieve a TP of 99% and above.

  • Deliverable. Please provide the threshold, the smoothing factor, and the true positive rate. See the Deliverables section for format.

3 Task B

  • Train the model on normal data, using the parameters that you found from Task A.

  • Test the attack trace against the model. Verify that it gets rejected.

  • You should run as follows and observe the following output:

$ python attack-trace-test

Attack data provided, as command-line argument attack-trace-test




Total Number of testing samples: 7616

Percentage of True positives: XX.XX


Analyzing attack data, of length1

No, the calculated distance of ZZZZ is greater than the threshold of XXXX. It doesn’t fit the model.

Total number of True Negatives: 100.0

Total number of False Positives: 0.0

Number of samples with the same length as attack payload: 1

4 Task C

  • Preliminary reading. Please refer to the” Polymorphic Blending Attacks” paper. In particular, section 4.2 that describes how to evade 1-gram and the model implementation. More specifically we are focusing on the case where m <= n and the substitution is one-to-many.

  • We assume that the attacker has a specific payload (attack payload) that he would like to blend in with the normal traffic. Also, we assume that the attacker has access to one packet (artificial profile payload) that is normal and is accepted as normal by the PAYL model.

The attacker’s goal is to transform the byte frequency of the attack traffic so that it matches the byte frequency of the normal traffic and thus by-pass the PAYL model.

  1. Code provided: Please look at the Polymorphic blend directory. – How to run the code: Run

  2. Main function: contains all the functions that are called.

  3. Output: The code should generate a new payload that can successfully by-pass the PAYL model that you have found above (using your selected parameters). The new payload (Output) is shellcode.bin + encrypted attack body + XOR table + padding. Please refer to the paper for full descriptions and definitions of Shellcode, attack body, XOR table, and padding. The Shellcode is provided.

  4. Substitution table: We provide the skeleton for the code needed to generate a substitution table, based on the byte frequency of attack payload and artificial profile payload. According to the paper, the substitution table has to be an array of length 256. For the purpose of implementation, the substitution table can be e.g.a python dictionary table. We ask that you complete the code for the substitution function.

  5. Padding: Similarly we provide a skeleton for the padding function and we ask that you write the rest.

  6. Main tasks: Please complete the code for the and, to generate the new payload.

  7. Deliverables: Please deliver your code for the substitution and the padding, and the output of your code. Please see the section deliverables.

5 Task D

Test your output (below noted as Output) against the PAYL model and verify that it is accepted. FP should be 100% indicating that the payload got accepted as legit, even though is malicious.

  • You should run as follows and observe the following output: $ python Output Attack data provided, as command-line argument Output




Total Number of testing samples: 7616

Percentage of True positives: XX.XX


Analyzing attack data, of length1

Yes, the calculated distance of YYYY is lesser than the threshold of XXXX. It fits the model.

Total number of True Negatives: 0.0

Total number of False Positives: 100.0

6 Deliverables & Rubric

For this project, please provide the following deliverables.

PART A: 35 points) Please report the parameters that you found in a file named Parameters. Please report a decimal with 2 digit accuracy for each parameter. Format:




PART B: 5 points Please report the score of the payload after completing part B. Format:


PART C: 40 points Please submit the code for and PART D: 20 points Please submit your Output from Part C.

If you need any type of help related Machine Learning project, then, please contact us at here.


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