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Create SpringBoot RestfulAPI using swagger,H2Database and JPA

Writer: Codersarts AI Codersarts AI

Requirements : Eclipse,Spring Tool Suite

Dependencies : Swagger, H2 Database, JPA,Web

Build Project with the help of STS so you

will get project structure like this. first

ensure that you must hdependencies

in pom.xml file.

After,that create a package and class according to given picture.


SpringSwaggerJpaRestH2Application class

EmployeeRestController class

Employee class

EmployeeServiceImpl class

EmployeeRepository class

EmployeeService class

copy this line in this file so that you configure H2 database will configure automatically in your application .and if you have any port problem like your port 8080 is used by some other resource then add server.port=8089 or any other port no. so that this app run.




Now open H2 Databse with this url http://localhost:8089/h2/ in my case becuase i am using port no 8089.

make sure JDBC URL :jdbc:h2:mem:testdb otherwise u will get an error .then click on coonect then u will get an empty table called Employee. you can see by writing this query on it.

Now Test the Restful endpoints with swagger.

Url : http://localhost:8089/swagger-ui.html

Now click on employee-rest-controller then you will see operations and we will test all.

By Clicking on POST you can insert data into table.

Inserting into table click on Try it out. and when data is sucessfully inserted then you can see response code is 200.

Now check whether data is inserted into table or not go to H2 database.and run the command and the data is inserted into Employee table.

Test GET to see all employee details .

click on GET employee by id =1 and you will get details coressponding to that id.

you can update record of any Employee by providing id.

lets check the data is updated or not into table. yes updated

Test delete by Id =1

lets check the id =1 is deleted from table or not .yes its deleted.


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